Vision & Purpose

ECC’s Vision for Emeryville

⇒A vibrant healthy sustainable business and residential community

⇒An inclusive business community that creates meaningful reasons to do business in Emeryville

⇒A diverse business community with large, medium and small businesses that see the advantages to being here

⇒A dynamic business community that attracts visitors here


Purpose of the ECC

The Emeryville Commerce Connection (ECC) is a mutual benefit nonprofit organization, 501(c)(6), incorporated with the purpose of promoting the common economic interests of its members and the commercial enterprises in Emeryville. The ECC will provide networking (Emeryville Connexion) events for the business community, act as an advocacy resource, workforce development and referral network, as well as promote the City of Emeryville and its business community.

We established the ECC to connect the business community by providing networking events and will provide a 24/7 communication platform where members share news, issues – like crime and safety issues and more